December 19, 2006

Distance between a boy and a girl

I'm thinking about this issue "distance between a boy and a girl" in these few days.

How should a guy and a lady keep the right distance so that no misunderstandings occurs between the two person, as well as the outsiders who are watching?

Do you have any idea about this? Please feel free to drop a sentence or two and share with me your insights.

November 14, 2006

Proverbs 14

today, the Word speaks to me.. especially the first verse..
Proverbs 14
1 A wise woman builds her home,
but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
I want to be a wise woman!!
9 Fools make fun of guilt,
but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.
If you find me making fun of guilt, please remind me!
13 Laughter can conceal a heavy heart,
but when the laughter ends, the grief remains.
If you are grieving, please share with me.
31 Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker,
but helping the poor honors him.
Help me to honor You..

October 18, 2006


当 两个不同的人,要进入同一个关系中,特别是婚姻的承诺中,每个人都带入了一个独特的背景、文化和沟通的方式。两种不同的生命、经验背景,要合而为一,除非 两人有强有力的沟通技巧,并且能体贴对方,否则就不会有令人满意的婚约。所以有效的沟通,就成为合适伴侣的基本要素之一。
李马可博士(Dr.Mark Lee)引用在十一个国家的研究显示:“最快乐的夫妇,是彼此谈话最多的。”作为一位婚姻协谈者,马可注意到:“疏远感是婚姻中潜在的一个问题。我们知道 一般的夫妻,在结婚一年之后,每周只有37分钟花在有意义和亲密的交谈上──这实在是太少了。”
沟通是什么意思?根据兰登书屋辞典(Random House Dictionary),沟通意为“以书写或说话等方式,给予或交换思想、感觉、意见等诸如此类的事。”一位婚姻协谈者诺曼·莱特博士 (Dr.H.Norman Wright)著有许多绝佳的家庭沟通书籍,他对沟通的定义是:“沟通是一种与他人分享信息的言语的或非言语的过程,它使人了解你的看法。‘谈话’、‘倾 听’、‘了解’都是进行沟通的方式之一。”
  “沟通的产生”,杜维特·斯摩尔(Dwight Small)写道:“是两个人完完全全地说出日常生活的种种需要,并且尽量以积极有意义的态度参与对方的生活。”
“如果其中有一位不愿意,彼此之间可以谈话,却无法沟通。谈话中最不容易的就是问题的沟通,因对方易感觉到受伤害。然而没有一种关系的存在是没 有问题的,讨论问题乃是解决之道。若其中有一位不愿参与,就不能解决,而问题会得变很僵,并会牵扯到其他相关的事上。尤其是同一个人不断坚持拒绝讨论某些 事件,就会变得更糟了。
“当伴侣中一位拒绝沟通,另一个人也会有强烈的倾向,拒绝在这关系中付出。短时间之内,这对伴侣便会因生气、感到不被接纳,而使彼此疏远。通常 即使是主要事件被解决了,牵涉到的其他范围也一样需要重建。好的沟通,使人们能彼此坦诚相待。但好的沟通也是非常脆弱的,需要小心,一旦破裂,重建的工作 通常是很痛苦的。
“然而关怀的基本要素包括了恳切注意倾听别人说什么;真诚而设身处地为对方着想;即使他夸大了压力、事件的描述,也能用淡然的态度客观地来处 理;让别人能卸下假面具,放松自己;在真正需要帮助时才给予援手──这些都是恳切关怀的要素,上述每一项都需要经过关怀真义的澄清和修订。

September 26, 2006

4 yrs 5 mths

dear God,
thank you for allowing me to be married with philip, my dearest husband. I know he is now prepared to travel, for your work, and i'll be missing him for few days, and i know i'll be alone for these days.. You know how much i miss him, and how much i need him. You know how much we love each other.. although we feel sad when we have to separate, and we even cry, but deep down in our hearts, we know that You will protect us, give us strenght, and health, to continue serving You. we know from Your words, telling us that You love us more than anything. we knew You are the Only faithful God. I commit him in Your hands, and i believe You will bring him back to me, safe and healthy.
thank You for allowing us to learn the lesson, totally depend on You alone. You alone deserve all praise, You alone are our Father.
in Jesus name I pray,

September 13, 2006

Psalm 32

this is the Psalm best read by those who are lost and want to find the way back to His side
Psalm 32
A psalm* of David.
1 Oh, what joy for those
whose disobedience is forgiven,
whose sin is put out of sight!

2 Yes, what joy for those
whose record the LORD has cleared of guilt,*
whose lives are lived in complete honesty!

3 When I refused to confess my sin,
my body wasted away,
and I groaned all day long.

4 Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me.
My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Interlude
5 Finally, I confessed all my sins to you
and stopped trying to hide my guilt.
I said to myself, "I will confess my rebellion to the LORD."
And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Interlude
6 Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time,
that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.

7 For you are my hiding place;
you protect me from trouble.
You surround me with songs of victory. Interlude
8 The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.

9 Do not be like a senseless horse or mule
that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control."
10 Many sorrows come to the wicked,
but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the LORD.

11 So rejoice in the LORD and be glad, all you who obey him!
Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

September 01, 2006




不同的國家 不同的文化 不同的宗教
造成地球幾千年不停的戰爭 越變越陌生 使的仇恨延伸

雖然我們已有了高科技的發達 卻還是每天人與人在吵吵打打
這真的讓我感到心裡有點怕怕 我真的不懂 為什麼人類那麼阿達
如果這世界沒有這麼多的變化 可想見 人生 會 無聊到不像話
就像那孫悟空的七十二變 他如果不會變 就對那西遊記說再見
不管你是Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Malay, 烏拉圭, 西班牙 還是缺了一顆牙
只要你有那火熱的心 什麼都擺的平 去創造新的生命
不一樣就是不一樣 (想) 怎麼樣? 我就是不一樣! 就是不一樣
我就是不一樣! 不一樣就是不一樣 so what! So what! 我就是不一樣! 就是不一樣
什麼hot 什麼not 最近什麼當家
最近哪個牌子紅 最近哪個音樂ㄙㄨㄥ' 哪個牌子風 誰的髮型普通
我一點都不在乎誰是現在的流行先鋒 因為我知道流行只是一種盲從
吃肥油 吃肥油 他只會讓你的心靈 的健康通通都沒有 不管你是什麼樣的人
說什麼樣的文 你絕對千萬不能忘記這世界還是很都多 其他不同的人
你需要打開胸懷 絕不要立刻歧視 你可能每天吃的是 一碗白飯 一個漢堡
義大利麵條 一個壽司 一條satay chotto matte 可是只要你有那火熱的心
什麼都擺的平 去創造新的生命
不一樣就是不一樣 (想) 怎麼樣? 我就是不一樣! 就是不一樣 我就是
我就是不一樣! 不一樣就是不一樣 so what! So what! 我就是不一樣! 就是不一樣
甘地 迪士尼 老子 孔夫子 藍儂(Lennon) Chaplin(卓別林) Brando(白藍度)
跟Picasso(畢卡索) Einstein(愛因斯坦) Freud(浮來得) Dalai Lama(達賴喇嘛)
都是與眾不同的偉人就是人類的heroes 從這些一個的 一個的 特出創始人的身上
我們可以看到 不一樣的思路才能真的讓這塵世有個美麗的前途 相應成趣
就請那規律出去 所以當你在下次看到有人刺tatoo 或你有朋友覺得重金屬的音樂真的才col
不管他台灣人 諸葛四郎 或者他肥胖 他還是跟你一樣 一樣 同樣的愛心彼此 彼此
你要釋放 禮讓 忍讓 絕不希望 我只會盼望你有火熱的心 什麼都擺的平 去創造新的生命
不一樣 不一樣 就是不一樣
不一樣就是不一樣 so what! So what! 我就是不一樣! 就是不一樣
不一樣 that's right 不不不不不不不 一 樣 不一樣
不一樣 不一樣 不一樣 不一樣

August 28, 2006



耶稣的爱 像春风吹来 把冰封的心打开
耶稣的爱 像汪洋的大海 任我徜徉自在
我不在乎 人生孤独 我有耶稣爱我 耶稣与我同往
我不在乎 人生辛苦 我有耶稣爱我 耶稣作我主

August 24, 2006

喜歡 v.s. 鍾意 v.s. 愛

this is wat i read just now from a hong kong christian fellowship website, shared by a bro/sis, worth thinking about...
再思考,想提出問題:喜歡 v.s. 鍾意 v.s. 愛 有什麼不同?

August 23, 2006

Think About His Love

My hubby and i love this song recently..
Think About His Love
written by W. Harrah | solo by Randy

think about His love, think about His goodness
think about His grace that's brought us through
for as high as the heavens above
so great is the measure of our Father's love
great is the measure of our Father's love
How could I forget his love? How could I forget His mercy?
He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies my desires.
Great is the measure of our Father’s love.

August 15, 2006

10 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven

The following article is located at:

10 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven

Practical ideas for living a more complete life this side of eternity.
by David Bordon & Tom Winters*

Heaven. If you're a committed follower of Jesus Christ, it's your final, glorious destination. But there's a life to live "down here" in the meantime, and too many of us drift through it without any real sense of purpose or joy. While this world is full of heartache, God still wants us to be people of faith and hope (Rom. 12:9-21). We are, in a sense, living advertisements for the abundant life He desires everyone to experience (2 Cor. 5:20). In their new book, 101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven (Warner Faith), authors David Bordon and Tom Winters present an inspiring list to help us live life to its fullest. In this exclusive excerpt, we offer ten doable ways to make each day count for eternity.

*1. Give Away Something Valuable *
If you had to evacuate your home and had one hour to pack your car with everything that was valuable to you (above and beyond your family, pets, and old tax returns!), what would you choose to save?

Sometimes, items are of value simply because of the wonderful memories they represent. On the other hand, some of the possessions that own a piece of your heart may be more tied up in self-centeredness than sentiment---that stereo system, that jewelry, that new car. It may even be the home that houses all of your prized possessions. The truth is, when you go to heaven, none of these things will be going with you. So why not start loosening your grip on them a little early?

You don't need to start big. Donate something to charity that's not broken or worn out. Give something to another family simply because they need it more than you do. God never said owning things was wrong. However, He did say it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle (Matt. 19:24). The less tightly you hold on to your possessions, the more contentment you'll have here on earth.

2. Reconnect with a Long-Lost Friend *
If you misplaced a hundred-dollar bill, chances are you'd turn your home upside down to find it. But when friends get misplaced along the road of life, all too often their names are simply crossed off the Christmas list and relegated to conversations that begin with "I wonder what ever happened to..."

Don't let an address change or the passing of time erase someone from your life. Invest in future joy by reconnecting with people from your past. Conduct your own friendship "search and rescue" by typing a friend's name into your favorite Internet search engine. Call mutual friends and ask the "Do you know whatever happened to...?" question. Send a note to a friend's last known address, asking whoever currently lives there for help.

Once you think you've located your friend, drop him or her a note. Share a few favorite memories, a little about what's happened in your life since you last saw each other. Chances are, your friends will be as excited to reconnect with you as you are with them. What's more, your timing in tracking them down may be God's timing in meeting a need.

It takes time, energy, and love to make a friend. Don't squander that investment. And when friends do wind up "missing," don't wait until heaven to reconnect with them. Reach out now. True friends are treasures whose value increases with time.

3. Spend a Day Alone with God *
Suppose God gives you 70 years to live on this earth? That means, before your departure to heaven, you would have 25,550 days to explore, enjoy, and make a difference in the world around you. Out of all those days of opportunity and adventure, dedicating a single day to spend totally focused on the One who gave you the gift of life itself seems like a small thing. And it is, especially in light of eternity.

*4. Touch an Untouchable *
In the Hindu caste system, some people in the society are viewed as "untouchable." These individuals are deemed intrinsically inferior from the womb to the grave. Although the caste system is now illegal in India, its practices are still widely accepted. Members of the lowest caste are still regularly shunned, insulted, and oppressed. You may feel a tinge of superiority because you don't believe anyone's untouchable. Or do you?

Take a good look at how you feel about different groups of people. Bikers. Manual laborers. Teenagers. Panhandlers. The elderly. Unwed mothers. Immigrants. People with aids. The physically handicapped. People with tattoos and body piercings. Individuals with a different skin color, religion, or even gender. Who's on your personal list of "untouchables"?

Before you get to heaven, banish any internal caste system that's preventing you from opening your hands and your heart to others. Begin with prayer. Ask God to bring situations into your life that will allow you to get close enough to reach out and "touch" an untouchable. You may feel uncomfortable at first. You may even feel like a hypocrite, that your actions are not sincere. But the desire to do the right thing can be a genuine motivation for love. The more you put your love into action, the easier it will be to see how God has woven His image into each and every person, making it impossible for anyone to ever be an "untouchable."

*5. Dance with Abandon *
Polka, samba, hip-hop, salsa, waltz... or just put on some music and get your body moving to the beat. Dancing is fun, freeing, and good for your health. While you can learn plenty of formal steps, simply getting into the habit of being able to respond to music in a physical way is something worth doing before you get to heaven. After all, there likely will be plenty of dancing there. In the same way that David danced before God to express his joy and gratitude (2 Sam. 6:14), you'll get your chance to dance with abandon before the Lord in heaven. Why not get into the habit here and now?

*6. Refuse to Retire *
Just because you retire from your job doesn't mean you have to retire from life. One way to keep going and growing is to pour yourself into someone else. Become a mentor. Share your woodworking skills with the kid on the corner. Meet with a young mom who could use your years of parenting experience to help her survive her daughter's "terrible twos." Volunteer to be a Big Sister or Big Brother. No matter what stage of life you're in, others could benefit from your experience. Ask God to lead you to someone who needs what you know. Then simply be a friend with a focus. Share what you've learned. Listen as much as you talk. Ask questions. Encourage. Stay open to God's surprises, and you may learn as much as you teach.

*7. Change Churches for One Sunday *
Before you get to heaven, it's a good idea to get to know a few of your future neighbors. Not the ones you usually hang around with, but the ones who are different from you. The ones whose worship services are too contemporary or too traditional, too loud or too staid, too charismatic or not charismatic enough. These neighbors may live in a different part of town, dress in a different style, speak a different language, or have a different skin color than you do---but you're going to be worshiping side by side with them one day in heaven. And on that day, no one's going to be debating denominational differences.

Until that time, catch a glimpse of heaven by visiting a different church some Sunday. Choose one that is a different denomination from your own. Then, walk into the service with an open mind and an open heart. People may welcome you warmly---or not. How they respond to you is irrelevant. Your example of spending one Sunday expanding the borders of your church "box" may encourage others to do the same. Focus on what you have in common instead of on what sets you apart. Take a risk, and you may learn something new about God, worship, and the beauty of the place all of Christ's followers will someday call home.

*8. Select a Life Verse *
The Bible is filled with great verses. Verses that challenge, convict, encourage, and ultimately draw us closer to God. While being consistent in reading the whole of Scripture is important, applying what you learn is even more so. One way to do that is to take God's Word to heart. That means getting intimate with a portion of Scripture by studying it, memorizing it, turning it over in your mind, and putting what you learn into practice. It means weighing your life against God's truth.

Choosing a life verse can help you do that. Think of it as a mission statement for your life. What do you see as God's primary purpose for your life? It may be to love others as you love yourself, to proclaim God's message through every aspect of your life, or to serve God by serving others. It's true that God asks you to do all these things, but what one area does God want you to become an "expert" in? What characteristic does your heart cry out most deeply for? Mercy? Purity? Truth? Humility? Find a verse that captures your most heartfelt cry to God.

Finding that verse may take some time. As you read through the Bible, write down every verse that summarizes the kind of person you want to be. Live with each verse for a while. Think about it as you go through your day. Ask God to help you apply it in life-changing ways. After a while, you'll find one that strongly resonates with you. Use it as a flashlight during dark times, a scale to weigh who you are against who you long to be, and a promise of what God can do as you wholly lean on Him.

*9. Bake Bread from Scratch*
Here's something that sounds like a waste of time and energy. Instead of going to the grocery store, visiting your favorite bakery, or using your own handy-dandy bread maker, make a loaf of bread from scratch. Knead it. Let it rise. Then, bake it until it's golden brown.

Why, you might ask, should you go to all the trouble? After all, the task not only promises to be time-consuming and dirty-dish inducing, it doesn't even save you money. However, the truth is that when you make a loaf of bread, your level of gratitude has a chance to rise along with the dough. While you're mixing and measuring, consider how much it took just to get that flour to your mixing bowl. Grain had to be planted, watered, harvested, ground, packaged, and delivered to market. Consider all those who help bring clean water to your tap, and electricity or gas to your stove. Soon you realize that having the ingredients and tools to make a simple sandwich involves a major group effort.

If this is your first loaf of homemade bread, success isn't guaranteed. Getting the yeast to rise correctly can be a tricky business. But whether your bread rises or falls, browns or burns, cut yourself a slice after it cools. Sit down and eat it with God. Thank Him for the gift He's given you of community, even with those you may never meet. Thank Him for His daily provision. Ask Him to help you be heartfelt and sincere before every meal when you ask His blessing on your daily bread.

*10. Refuse to Act Your Age *
Your age is just a number. It's a label to help you keep track of time. Sure, it's true that your age can act as a sort of warning system, like a ten-minute buzzer reminding players that the end of a game is near. But it's just a reminder that every day takes you one step closer toward heaven. It's a cue to make the most of the days that lie ahead.

Focus more on the benefits of getting older than on the difficulties. Cherish the wisdom, discipline, and great memories that can be gained only through living long and well. Recognize the measure of a friendship or marriage that spans decades. Rest in the comfort of knowing that God will see you through the hard times just as He has always done in the past. Don't let a number bring you down. Let it spur you on toward making the most of every moment that lies between you and heaven.

/Adapted from 101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven. 2006 Bordon-Winters LLC. Used by permission of Warner Faith, a division of the Time Warner Book Group./

July 05, 2006

i have a 'daughter'

i have a 'daughter', but she is now lost in the world. i duno why she decided to do so, and it's more than a year, she changes and keep on changing.. everytime i 'accidently' meet her, i feel sad and speechless i duno shall i smile to her like last time? or shall i cry before her to tell her how sad am i? wat will God do if He sees His children swaying away from Him? i keep thinking about the parables taught by Jesus: 100 sheeps, 1 was lost, and He left the 99 sheeps, and go and look for the lost sheep. the sheperd loves the sheep, even one was lost. he will go and search for the sheep. how can i apply this parable to my life? please feel free to advice if you have any.

June 17, 2006

long lost friend

after 15 years we met again. 15 years ago, we were young girls, little children, laughing and jumping around. but 15 years later, we have our own story. things happened when we are not together. we met different people, study in different area, work in different places. and we are having different kind of lifestyle.
"Life is a sum of all your choices" -- albert camus
anyway, i find something special in my heart. when we were young, i duno what is love. but now, i know what is love, and still learning to comprehend it. although 15 years we didn't meet each other, but deep in my heart, i love my friend.

June 16, 2006

a Chat with mum

I'm glad to have a time sharing with mama yesterday night. After few weeks not meeting each other, i can feel deeply in her heart, she missed me.
I thank God that my mum can cook good food, simple and healthy meals, and willing to share her feelings, her thoughts to me. I'm glad I'm her good listener (although sometimes i wasn't), I'm glad I'm not married too far away. I'm glad that I have the courage to tell her "I love you", and I'm glad i see her smiling sweetly.
We had a time of prayer, where i led, to pray for mama's health, her spiritual life, her walk with God, her understanding in the Bible, her communication with other people, her husband (my dad), her 2 other daughter (my 2 sisters)... and so on.
My tears actually started to fall when i started to pray. But we actually are having joy deep in our heart although we see strugglings, troubles, people fails around us. But God is faithful and mercyful.
Thank you Lord.
Bless my mum in her days.
Mama, I love you very much!

May 19, 2006


Being Godliness is to be holy. Holyness is a character of God. We cannot be God, but we can imitate Him, because we are created in His image. How to imitate Him? Before we do anything, say anything, think for a while, What Would Jesus Do? Though it sounds impossible, impossible to think everytime before we say anything, but we can always reflect and think over did we say the right thing, do the right thing? Being task oriented is not a sin, but before we want to achieve a task, we shall be sensitive to person as well, being sensitive to a person's feelings, the relationship between "i and he/she", think over again and again, did i say anything wrong that hurts him or her? Did i do the right thing to encourage people, and building up a person?
"And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. " (The Message 1 Tim 4:12)
"不可叫人小看你年轻,总要在言语、行为、爱心、信心、清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。" (1 Tim 4:12)

May 14, 2006


Middle of the night, woke up because of stomach-ache, i bended myself like praying on my bed. Crying out for help.. "oh, very pain.... pain.... pain...."
My dear husband finally woke up and knew i was suffering, but he can't do nothing oso to help reduce my pain. But what he did that touched me, was he prayed for me. Simple prayer, crying to God, ask God to help me and heal me. And God is great! =)
I knew i have someone who loves me.

April 13, 2006





首先,他们会指出上帝在当下所要求的短线视野。在旧约,这通常是一个简单表明诚信的劝谕---重建圣殿、忠于婚约、辅助贫穷、除掉偶像以上帝为 先。然而先知不会就停在那里。他们亦会对应人最深层的问题提出一个长线观点。面对那么多的痛苦和伤害,我们怎能相信上帝爱我们?当世界仿佛被恶魔的阴谋所 支配,我们怎能相信一位公义的上帝?先知透过提醒他们的受众上帝是哪一位,并绘画出将来国度的辉煌图画,去回答这样的问题。
~Philip Yancey, 灵魂幸存者 ( "Soul Survivor") Page 26

April 12, 2006

God loveth adverbs

For three things I thank God every day of my life:
thanks that He has vouchsafed me knowledge of His works;
deep thanks that he has set in my darkness the lamp of faith;
deep, deepest thanks that I havce another life to look forward to -- a life joyous with light and flowers and heavenly song.
~~Helen Keller

April 05, 2006

Who shall cry like this?

Yesterday evening, around 6-7pm, Philip and I went home to cook dinner, preparing for leaving at 8.15pm to meet the rest of the group to visit Pn. Lim at Kuchai. In the midst of cooking, we heard a terrible crying sound, voiced from outside. The cry of the kid, i assume it's a he, crying like being tortured, terrible punished, being hit, and he held the gate and shoke it, crying and shouting "No! No! No!!!"
The first time the cries was being heard was before i get into the house, but Philip was sleeping in the night, andn the cries was from the same boy. The first time Philip heard the boy, he was crying and shouting as well, "不要,爸爸不要!!!" this cry continued until Philip can't sleep, and felt very sad about it.
We are new here, staying in this block. Actually if we all talk aloud, our neighbours will hear us. And this cry is shaking the whole block. Eventually we found that the cries are from our upper unit. We guess it's just above our unit. And when our door is opened, the cries are even more clearer.. I can't stand with the cries, and i felt very very sad and i teared for the boy, praying to God "save the boy from harm, deliver him from evil.." until i can't continue cooking.
Who shall cry like this?

March 31, 2006

m getting excited and worried

the nearer to my wedding date, i get more excited and worried.

i think that's the nature in every girl.
what could be done to be not so excited and worried?
or should i just let this process to be exciting and worrying?
this is life, i guess, and this is the process of changin my identity.
from a single lady, to become somebody's wife.
when i connect this picture with the church and our Lord Christ, it's actually the same, i feel.
the church is the bride. and Christ is the Groom.
the church is to prepare herself, and devote herself, pure and clean to the Groom.
and i have to prepare myself, devote myself, pure and clean to my groom.

1st april 2006

March 09, 2006



当我们在车上,回办公室路途,狂风豪雨已经赶紧追来. 在红绿灯等待红灯转青,青灯已经来了,腓力却似乎在发梦。直到我说“青灯啦!”他才如梦初醒。问他在想什么,他就说,“我在感受者车子是否被大风吹摆着,想感受外面的风是否如此狂大。”


坐在车里的我们,行在大路上,看见那降下的豪雨,来不及碰在地上,就已被狂风吹起。路旁的大树,棵棵摇摇欲坠,深怕被大树压着。高速公路上的路牌, 已经被风吹斜了50度。路旁的路牌也逃不过恶运。碰巧Sri KL放学时段,每个父母都有担心的脸色。有一个母亲尝试下车拿雨伞给孩子,但风实在太大了。

感谢主,腓力英勇地,巧妙地压过,穿过那些倒树,终于到达办公室门口。怎知,电动门开不着,电话又打不通,不晓得发生什么事。就在我们车后的大树一直在摇 摆,我不知觉地将双手摆在额头上,预备挡住倒下的树。后来,腓力冒着大雨爬进去办公室的篱笆,用锁匙将电动门开了,我才将车子驾进去。那时,我的心才安定 下来。


February 16, 2006

bride to be..

ehem... 2 more months and 5 more days.. my identity will be change, from a single to a married persn..

ohhhooo.. is it a good news?? oh yeh! definitely! but this is a process.. when i'm through this process, i understand more what is our relationship with Jesus, He is the groom, and the church is the bride.. and so, what should a bride does? how should a bride prepare herself to the groom? and what does the groom has to prepare to welcome the bride??

What do you think??

January 17, 2006


原本可以不哭,但当我走着去Waiting Room时,手提响了起来。响着收悉的音乐,噢,是腓力。他在电话里叫我停下,回头望。原来他在远远地望着我。目送我离去。这举动使我感动得流泪了。现在,竟也禁不住流泪……

当我check in waiting room 时,工作人员见到我流泪,以为我不舒服。哦,真糗!



写于6.16pm, inside AirAsia Plane, AK 0052.
Typed in 12:14pm, at boss’ house.