February 23, 2007

Proverbs 23

These are the verses i read again which i would love to share with you, my dear friends...
Proverbs 23:4-5
Don't weary yourself trying to get rich.
Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird!
Proverbs 23:29-34
Who has anguish? Who has sorrow? Who is always fighting? Who is always complaining? Who has unnecessary bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?
It is the one who spends long hours in taverns, trying out new drinks.
Don't let the sparkel and smooth taste of wine deceive you.
For in the end it bites like a poisonous serpent; it stings like a viper.
You will see hallucinations, and you will say crazy things.
You will stagger like a sailor tossed at sea, clinging to a swaying mast.
And you will say, "They hit me, but I didn't feel it. I didn't even know it when they beat me up. When will I wake up so I can have another drink?"
May you be blessed with these words from the Bible.

10 Steps to Forgiving

10 Steps to Forgiving
from the book "When Your Past is Hurting Your Present" by Sue Augustine

It’s all well and good to talk about forgiveness, but how do we do it? If we have chosen to forgive and have decided to do it without looking back, what comes next? Here are some steps to get you started:
1. Make a deliberate decision to stop discussing the story with others. You may need to confide in one trusted friend or a trained professional for therapeutic reasons, but only open your heart to someone you know will encourage you to forgive. Even if you have told others in the past, make a promise to yourself not to talk about it in the future – other than for the purpose of supporting someone else in a similar position. Be uncompromising and strict with yourself. Reject the temptation to keep discussing the story. This is not easy, especially when we are still suffering the pain. If revenge is our goal, we know we can ruin someone’s reputation by telling on them with statements like, “Can you believe what she did to me?”
2. Stop mentally dragging up the past. Rehashing hurtful and disturbing scenes over and over again in your mind can drive you crazy. We sometimes do this subconsciously, and other times we keep the anger fresh on purpose, but in either case, we are only hurting ourselves. Besides, the other person has no clue about what is going on inside our heads. We are suffering, yet it’s not having any effect on them.
3. Be pleasant and congenial when you are in the company of those you forgive. This doesn’t mean you have to go out of your way and conspicuously make an effort to be hospitable or sugary sweet. Simply don’t say anything in reference to the event or do something that would cause them to feel ill at ease or apprehensive.
4. Avoid putting anyone on a “guilt trip.” Guilt is most painful, and if we are truly ready to forgive, then we won’t want others to have feeling of self-reproach, humiliation, or shame. Remind yourself of the Golden Rule – Do to others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31). In your mind, say a blessing over them. Mentally give them your consent to break from their own past and move forward.
One of the reasons others may have a difficult time apologizing or asking forgiveness is that they may have stopped growing – emotionally or spiritually. Pray that they will seek God’s forgiveness for themselves and that they will thrive in their spirit, flourishing in every way. The opposite of blessing a person is wishing for his failure, or hoping for disaster to strike. That’s when you want his success to be impeded in some way – or you are even hoping for the worst. You will know you have truly forgiven someone when you genuinely want the best in life for him and can sincerely bless him.
5. When a person is remorseful, do what you can to restore a sense of dignity. Allow others to feel good about themselves again by saying whatever you can (if it is true!) to restore their sense of worth, value, and self-respect.
6. Abolish any sense of self-righteousness in yourself. As long as there is even a trace of arrogance or condescension in it, or any finger pointing, your attempt at total forgiveness will not succeed. Sometimes we can use false “kindness” to try to make the other person feel miserable.
7. Behave as though you don’t even think they did anything wrong. This can be most difficult for all of us, but sometimes acting in a certain way helps us to actually experience the feeling. Remember the old phrase, “Fake it ‘til you make it”? Actors do it all the time when they have to depict a certain emotion. It’s an amazing attribute of human nature. You can act as if you hardly noticed the wrongdoing – and before you know it, the genuine feelings soon come along.
8. Make total forgiveness a lifelong commitment. Once you have chosen to forgive, keep it up today, tomorrow, and forever. Some days will be easier than others. You will have times when you think you have won a complete victory and are totally free from harboring and resentment, then WHAM! – the very next day, something happens to remind you of what someone did and of the utter injustice of the fact they will never be punished or exposed. That old temptation to “go public” or hold onto the bitterness will emerge once again. Not only will you have to make the commitment to forgive, but your pledge will have to be renewed periodically.
Even if I did not share with others what I was going through, there was a time when I felt justified in going before God and pleading my case. “He ought to be punished”, “She doesn’t deserve to be let off the hook.” Then, when I began thinking of God as my Father in heaven, I realized that, like most parents, He wants His children to get along and love one another. After all, no parent likes it when one child comes squealing on the other, demanding they be punished. But our Father loves all His children equally.
9. Pray for those who have wounded you. That’s a difficult one to understand or put into practice. When you pray, be completely honest with God. If you feel angry, tell Him. Say, “Lord, nothing in me wants to pray for this person.” Confess your anger, hurt, unforgiveness, resentment, and disappointment. Ask God to give you a right spirit and renewed sense of love. Trust Him to heal the situation. The Bible says, “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9 NKJV). If you truly want to be set free from a past that is crippling you, desiring the best for your enemies is a powerful step. Something happens to our hearts when we pray for another person. The hardness melts away, and we become able to move beyond the hurts to forgive. Miraculously, we are even able to love the person we are praying for. It happens because, through prayer, we enter into God’s presence – and He fills us with His own spirit of love.
10. Ask for healing for yourself. Memories of the situation can come back to haunt you when you least expect it. God’s healing will release you from the hurtful recollections and the harmful emotions that go with them.

February 22, 2007

10 months

Today is our tenth month of marriage life.
How's my feeling now? hm.. wonderful.
Being somebody's wife is a life-long lesson, like being a Christian, whom is also a bride of Christ. Non of us is perfect, and non of us can guarantee make our spouse happy everyday. Just because we are sinful. Although we are Christians, we still carry the sinful nature, which requires us to fight against it EVERYDAY TILL THE DAY WE DIE.
FIGHTING AGAINST OUR SINFUL NATURE is not easy, but it teach us to rely on GOD, and NOT TO BOAST ourself. For we have to know we are weak, fragile, and satan wants to destroy us, destroy our relationship.
Same in marriage life. I have to choose to protect it, or to destroy it. I have to choose to be angry, or to forgive. I have to choose to ignore, or accept. I have to choose, I have to make decisions, I have to love, everyday. Till I die.
As we made our vows in front of so many witness, we are swearing before God, that "Till death do us apart". I wish to celebrate 10 years, 20 years, 30, years, 40 years, even 50 years anniversary of marriage. I believe you want that too!

February 09, 2007


Yesterday I read about Moses receiving the Laws from the Lord, and then he went down from Mount Sinai and told the Israelites abt God's commandment and the offerings they need to give. And the people give everyday until the workers said "enough! we r hving too much to build the tabernacle!" and Moses has to stop the Israelites from giving! Isn't it amazing?
and at the "Pondering" section (according to Cover to Cover), it is written as below:
"It is a Scriptural principle to give according to one's income. Those whose giving is not accroding to their income mayfind that God adjsts their income according to their giving"
Isn't it amazing?

February 04, 2007


从前,有一个人,拥有一栋十个房间的房子。有一日,有一个人轻轻敲门:咯咯,咯咯..D...他开门,惊讶地发现原来是主耶稣。耶稣对他说:我敲门想要进 来,你要让我进来吗?年轻人十分高兴,说:欢迎你主,我要把最好的房间给你住,请进,请进。耶稣是个绅士,他说:谢谢你。年轻人说:这栋屋子最好的房间在 楼上,里面有最好的家具,是最大,最好的房间。于是他走到楼上说:主耶稣,这是你的房间。耶稣是个绅士,他说:谢谢你。
第二天早上,有人急急地敲门:咯咯咯咯咯咯.......年轻人心想谁敲门敲得这么急......他打开门,看看是谁......是魔鬼......年轻 人立刻叱喝:走开魔鬼!魔鬼说:不!我已经进来了!年轻人说:我不要你!魔鬼说:我已经进来了!于是两人便开始扭打成一团。魔鬼整天都在年轻人心中注入污 秽的试探,情况危急......到了晚上,年轻人才勉强把魔鬼推出去,将门锁上。他筋疲力尽。然后,他说:等一下,耶稣住在我家,他为什么不帮助我,他难 道没有听见我在喊叫,需要帮忙吗?他为什么不来帮助我?于是,他走到楼上,说:我得问耶稣为什么不帮助我,我给他最好的房间。他走上去,对耶稣说:主耶稣 啊,难道你没听见魔鬼整天在烦我吗?你为什么不帮我?耶稣说:孩子,在这十个房间中,你住了九间,我只住了一间。年轻人好像被敲了一下,说:噢,主啊,我 知道我犯了错误,我们一半一半好了,你住楼上,我住楼下吧。耶稣是个绅士,他说:谢谢你。
到了第二天早上,你猜有什么事发生......又有人急急地敲门了:咯咯咯咯咯咯.......年轻人说:糟了!魔鬼又来了!我不想开门......可 是,万一是别人呢?我怎么知道不是别人呢?我只要开了一小缝,从里面偷看一下......是谁?又是魔鬼......他赶快想要关门,但魔鬼的脚很瘦,牠 用脚挡住门缝,于是他们又扭打了一整天,情况实在激烈......到了晚上,年轻人才勉强把魔鬼推出去,将门锁上。他筋疲力尽。我一定要问问祂。他走到楼 上说:主耶稣啊,魔鬼又来找我了!你为什么不帮我?我给你五个房间。耶稣说:孩子,我们换个做法好了,你把十个房间都给我,然后你来住我家,而不是我来住 你家。把十个房间都给我,你来住。年轻人跪了下来,他把前门的锁匙拿出来,他说:主耶稣,我现在把整栋房子交给你,从今天起我要住在你家,这样做好吗?可 是......
到了第二天早上,太阳出来之前,有人用力敲前门:咯咯咯咯咯咯.......年轻人还在睡觉,他吓得跳下床,哭丧着脸,说:魔鬼又来了......当他哭 时,突然不敢相信自己的耳朵,他听见房子里有脚步声:踏..踏..踏..他说:我晓得了!我不再是房子的主人,拥有房子的主人必须去开门。他看见耶稣走下 楼梯,以万王之王、万主之主的姿态;耶稣不只开一个小缝而已,他把门大大的打开;年轻人躲在耶稣后面,他想看会发生什么事。当魔鬼看见是耶稣站在门口,牠 就恭敬屈膝。魔鬼说:对不起,我敲错门了!

February 03, 2007


taken from http://www.tlyeo.com/gb/

written by 杨钟禄牧师


人用正当的途径、把握机会去赚取财富、拥有财富,一点都没错。但那不叫发财,那叫生财有道,又叫君子好财,取之有道,都是有道、合道的事。发财是指不须按 正轨而得之财,所以也叫横财!祝贺恭喜发财的心态就是认为人生最好的事就是可以不劳而获!最理想的人生就是不用工作,又可享受财富;一个国家的人民若个个 都如此,这个国家社会就前途堪哀了!

财富不是罪恶,但贪财、想发财却是可怕的罪,被圣经称为万恶之根!华人最爱听的一个祝福就是心想事成,横财就手,那是什么心?想发财之心、贪财之心!圣经 说:但那些想要发财的人、就陷在迷惑、落在网罗、和许多无知有害的私欲里、叫人沉在败坏和灭亡中。贪财是万恶之根.有人贪恋钱财、就被引诱离了真道、用许 多愁苦把自己刺透了。 (提前6:9,10)

世上大半的罪恶都是与金钱有关的。偷、抢、劫是少数人做的事,但因想发财而暗中用各样方法与手段去做各样损人利己的事,却是无数人天天都在做的事。其实两 者都是亲戚,因都是同根生贪财之根 !我们若明白这些道理,就不会喜欢用恭喜发财去激发人们的贪财之心了!

圣经没说财富是罪,相反的,财富也是神给人的一种赐福。如亚伯拉罕、约伯、所罗门都获得神赐给他们大财富。但财富也隐藏著大危机,就是叫人忘记神。耶稣在 讲道中提过的两个财主都是因财富太多而忘记与神关系的人:下阴间的财主(路16:19)、盖大仓库的财主(路12:16)。甚至教会也会因富足而忘记神: 发财教会老底嘉(启3:17)

其实,神愿我们都做富足人!主耶稣说:我来要叫人得生命,并且得的丰盛富足(约10:10)。真正的富,是在神面前富,不是在人面前富。雅各书2:5显明 神要我们都成为富足人,信心富足、灵命富足!那才是在神面前的富足人!人前富,是短暂之富;神前富,才是永远的福。让我们新年的祈求是:



February 02, 2007

Proverbs 2 How to be wise?

箴言Proverbs 2: 智慧之果 The Benefits of Wisdom

2:1 年輕人哪,要學習我的教導,不可忘記我給你的指示。
My child,* listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.

2:2 要聽明智的訓言,明白它的意義。

Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.

2:3 是的,要追求知識;要尋求領悟。
Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.

2:4 要像尋求銀子一樣熱心,像搜索寶藏一樣認真。
Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.

2:5 這樣,你就會領悟甚麼是敬畏上主,明白甚麼是認識上帝。
hen you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.

"Hey! you want more money? God says, search insight and understanding like you want more money! Then you will know how to fear the Lord! But where is our focus? Money? or KNOWLEDGE of God?"

2:6 因為,賜智慧的是上主,知識和悟性都是從他來的。
For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

2:7 他幫助正直的人,保護誠實的人。
He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.

2:8 他幫助待人公道的人,衛護對他忠誠的人。
He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.

2:9 你若聽從我,就會知道甚麼是誠實、公平、正直,知道甚麼是你們應當做的。
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go.

2:10 你會成為明智的人,而知識會使你歡愉。
or wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.

2:11 你的遠見要衛護你,悟性要保護你,

Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.

"How to be safe? know His way! Know what He says! YOU hv to find the right way!"

2:12 使你不至於做錯了事,要保守你,使你遠離那些以口舌惹是生非的人,
Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose words are twisted.

2:13 遠避那些背棄正道、生活在黑暗中、
These men turn from the right way to walk down dark paths.

2:14 喜歡作惡、以邪惡為樂、
They take pleasure in doing wrong, and they enjoy the twisted ways of evil.

2:15 走彎曲道路、不可信賴的人。
Their actions are crooked, and their ways are wrong.

2:16 智慧使你能夠抗拒想用甜言蜜語勾引你的女人。
Wisdom will save you from the immoral woman, from the seductive words of the promiscuous woman.

2:17 這女人對自己的丈夫不貞,忘記了自己神聖的誓約。

She has abandoned her husband and ignores the covenant she made before God.

2:18 你如果上她的家,無異走上死路;她的路導向陰間。 Entering her house leads to death; it is the road to the grave.*

2:19 凡去探望她的人沒有一個回來,沒有回到生路上來的人。

The man who visits her is doomed. He will never reach the paths of life.


Follow the steps of good men instead, and stay on the paths of the righteous.

"Find a model to Follow! and don't forget, the best model is JESUS CHRIST!"

2:21 正直忠誠的人得以定居在這片土地上;

For only the godly will live in the land, and those with integrity will remain in it.


But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the treacherous will be uprooted.

February 01, 2007

Bkt Cahaya: 12 Dummies

phew.. finally got back from bkt cahaya and summit square. 12 of us went for cycling.
the 'not so good' thing we discover is abt the environment in bkt cahaya. i've not been there for abt 9 yrs, but wat i felt after this trip is, "why the part is not taken good care of?" "isn't it a waste?"
the 'good' thing is the renting of the bike is not expensive. haha..
but the 'best' thing i found is.. the love and care among these people who went for the trip. it's great to see that when somebody seems to be not capable, but still can see none of us complain, but helping and encouraging each other.
dear brothers and sisters.. did u feel that? hope we can continue to walk side by side, learning from each other, and be salt and light to the world! let the world see the differences in our life!